9 Ways to Style Those Empty Corners

  1. Home Office- Add a slim desk with a lamp to create a cozy home office nook.
  2. Bring Nature Indoors-Plants and natural greenery are truly transformative, breathing new life into any space.
  3. Add Extra Seating- Place a chair in an otherwise empty corner, where it can pull double duty as both décor and an extra place to sit when you have guests over to visit. 
  4. Statement Lamp- Shed a little light in any empty corner with a beautiful statement lamp.
  5. Functional Entryway- Turn an awkward corner by your front door into a functional entryway by adding a small table, a lamp, and maybe even a piece of furniture designed for discreet shoe storage.
  6. Style a Small Table- Adding a small table to a bathroom or bedroom corner with one or two carefully chosen pieces of home décor can go a long way. 
  7. Large Basket- Use a stylish large basket to hold your blankets or hide kids toys.
  8. Book Shelf- Decorate a corner book shelf with family photos and decor that showcases your favorite things.
  9. Coffee Station- Use your corner to set up a functional coffee station or beverage cart area.

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